What does author and psychologist GEORGE W. MORRISON have in common with a cleric? Well, for starters, in See How They Run, George is having a grand time playing the Bishop of Lax. “The fun is I get to play a slightly pompous old man! Although, I don't know how much of a stretch it is to play the Bishop,” George chuckles, “since I am an old man and my first wife sometimes called me pompous!” A practicing psychotherapist, George has taught both psychology and management at the university level and has written two and one-half novels one of which, “Crimson Liberty,” is in print at Amazon and on eBook at Smashwords. In addition, George has a “green thumb” that extends to growing kale and bonsai gardening. Ask him about See How They Run and he warns, “What you think you see may not be what you are really seeing, as this play shows us with great humor and delight.”